Welcome to the blog for Free Forever - a service club composed of numerous groups throughout the world that participate in various projects on a regular basis. Below you'll see reports from these groups on their activities. If you would like to participate in these activities, or if you know of a service opportunity for us, please email, or contact the Facebook group, Free Forever Serving Others.

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." -Mohandas K. Gandhi

"Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others." -Barbara Bush

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Working With the Down Syndrome Community

On Saturday, March 21, we got to help out the Salt Lake Down Syndrome community with one of their events. Some graduate students at the University of Utah helped them coordinate an event in which the children were entertained and watched while the parents were able to do some networking and give each other some mutual support. The kids were hilarious! We had a great time. We played with a parachute and balls (remember the good times in elementary school?) and one of the little guys insisted on crawling out onto the parachute while we were raising and lowering it. He was quite persistent. We also learned some sign language, and got a visit from some animals at the Hogle Zoo. The desert tortoise was by far my favorite.